
老师留的作业啊。。300到500 介绍移民和出国留学。。。尽快啊!!感激不尽

移民 immigration 留学 study abroad

Immigration to some country is a process of application and verification, in order to abtain a second identification called Permernant Residence, by holding an ID card of the country.

Currently, countires like America, Canada, Austrilia, Newsland ...are the main counties that absorbing immigrants with respective conditions.

As to study abroad, there are more countires for chose, America, Canada, England and so on, in which country there are excellent education systems and rich professional Universites and colleges.

Among countries that both immigration and study aborad are available, Canada and America are of the most special countries I think. bacause most Chinese Students applicate to study in the two counties, and they both have the freedom cultrure style and the richest education resources.
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第1个回答  2015-10-28
Studying abroad is the act of a student pursuing educational opportunities in a country other than one's own.This can include primary, secondary and post-secondary students. It connects working adolescents who have chosen to make a stable life for themselves and their families
It has been shown that through study abroad, students can gain a better understanding of themselves, and of their culture. They improve their ability to evaluate elements of their own culture in an unbiased manner. In addition, multicultural interactions become smoother and more natural for the students for the rest of their lives.It has been shown that 96% have increased self-confidence, 97% feel more mature and 98% understand their own values more clearly.