An 6-metre ladder is leaning against the wall of an apartment block. One
point of the ladder is just touching the top of the 1.5 m high brick wall that
is 1.5 m away from the apartment block. A man is standing on the ladder
so that he can clean the windows of his apartment. How much of the ladder
is between the apartment block and the point of contact with the brick wall
and how much is between the point of contact and the ground ?
我是要答案……不是要翻译- - 我看的懂题- -
BD=DE=1.5, AC=6, 都是直角三角形。
哥们儿您搞什么呢……- -
追问How much of the ladder
is between the apartment block and the point of contact with the brick wall
and how much is between the point of contact and the ground ?
XJ!!!! 这道题你会不?帮我答~